The Outside Perspective -
This video sums up very nicely the value of working with a coach or mentor.
But what I would add is this question: Have you heard of the Johari Window?
It is the idea that there are 4 different aspects to us:
The Known -
1) the parts about me that you and I are both aware of;
2) the private parts within me that only I am aware of;
The Unknown -
3) the parts of me that neither you nor I are aware of; and
4) the parts of me that you are aware of, but that I am not aware of
So much of our vast potential for personal and professional growth lies in the Unknown areas of the 3rd and 4th Aspects - because the 1st and 2nd Aspects are already known to us.
But the 3rd and 4th Aspects are untapped - like a huge unlimited resource.
So, those frustrations and blocks that you experience in your work and life? The solutions lie in this huge unlimited resource within you - just outside your current awareness.
A good Coach or Mentor knows how to help you become aware of this huge resource within you, so that you develop and grow - transferring what was once only "potential" into actual ability, awareness, knowledge and confidence.
Want to know how to tap into your potential and the solutions that you seek?
Hit the link below and schedule a time for us to chat.