Karl Hyden is delighted to join the team of B2A Gym in Mitchelstown, County Cork. Karl will work individually with clients and staff as well as give talks and classes over the coming months as their Motivation & Mental Toughness Coach.
Owners Pat and Christine Goulding recently refurnished the gym in Mitchelstown after their move from their Glanworth premises to amalgamate all services under the one roof.
B2A Mitchelstown now offer 4 high quality services to their clients.
Karl will be working with clients to help them reach their goals, maintain their progress and get more from their membership. He specialises in using a Mental Toughness approach which helps clients to develop their abilities to persevere in the face of challenges.
Karl has been a member of B2A for many years and is looking forward to the opportunity to support the great staff and members of the gym there.
Karl empathizes with the challenges of being disciplined with gym training in the midst of the complexities of modern life. In addition, Karl has experienced his own battle with weight loss and weight maintenance throughout his life.